The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98182   Message #1950601
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Jan-07 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Subject: RE: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
It occurs to me to mention this: Every system has an Achilles Heel built into itself by its very nature. This is the same as to say that every system has a given lifetime, just like every living thing does. It begins with much promise, matures to full capability, reaches its glorious prime, and then begins to develop cracks and weaknesses which become much more notable as it ages, until they bring it down. Eventually it passes away and is replaced by something else.

This was true of Egypt, Rome, Greece, Persia, Dacia, Scythia, Thrace, Phoenicia, Sparta, Carthage, Dahea, the Khymers, ancient Imperial China, Imperial Russia, the Soviets, the Aztecs, Imperial Spain, the Napoleonic Empire, the Nazis (who were VERY short-lived!), it was true of anyone you care to name. Their very strengths, when pushed too far became their fatal flaws, and brought them down!

Why should it be any different for us? People are just complaining because they don't like the aging process when it happens on home ground. ;-)

(And I remember well with what casual arrogance my circle of young long-haired friends referred to retirement age people as "old farts" back in the heyday of the 70's....Ha! We have lived to eat our own words.)