The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98498   Message #1951466
Posted By: JulieF
29-Jan-07 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for the estate agent to ring
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for the estate agent to ring
I think perhaps its possibly more scary because it isn't the first one - but it was a "we" that bought this house 20 years ago and now it's an older an wiser "I" .    On top of that I feel a sort of moral obligation to my daughter ( 21 - old enought to make her wants perfectly clear but likely to be with me for a few years given university costs and the difficulty in getting on the housing ladder.)

Actually if I was a first time buyer it might be easier as I think the seller will be tempted to take a slightly lower offer from a buyer who has no chain and I'm waiting for my buyer to sell their house.

On top of that have to go to work tomorrow and face all our users who can't get back into the systems until the cable's mended ( 3 ish we think) adn they did the filing today.