The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98182   Message #1951969
Posted By: Ron Davies
29-Jan-07 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
Subject: RE: BS: Western Democracy's Achilles Heel
":A few CEO's in jail...." Dream on. I have no particular affection for Home Depot or Walmart--to name 2 possible targets--but to envision their CEO's--or any others-- in jail for hiring illegal immigrants is, shall we say, a stretch. Politically, ain't gonna happen.

On to Plan B. Hope you have one.

Furthermore, be careful what you wish for--you may get it. If all 12 million illegals went back to "country of origin" overnight, you'd be hard hit financially---inflation would go through the roof. Good to know that wouldn't bother you. Or don't you think it would happen?

There is no solution which would be fair--or practical--other than a gradual process making these illegals citizens.

Also, regarding the case of the illegal immigrant smuggling marijuana into the US---you're absolutely right there are "political elements who have an agenda". But these "elements" are your boys--Tancredo, Rohrabacher, et al.

The agents who shot at Aldrate-Davila, the illegal in question, knew they had broken a number of border patrol policies. So they gathered shell casings, discarded them in a ditch, and filed a false report.

As the US Attorney for the area put it, the agents "shot 15 times at an unarmed man who was running away from them and posed no threat. They lied about what happened, covered up the shooting, conspired to destroy the evidence, and then proceeded to make up and file a false report." Why is this not so?

Are these agents above the law--since you don't like their target?

If you let these agents off the hook, what message does that send to honest agents? Or perhaps that doesn't bother you.