The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2304   Message #1952850
Posted By: GUEST,Seiri Omaar
30-Jan-07 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: Irish Newfoundland lyrics
To anyone looking for Newfoundland music, it is of interest to check out the music of Christina Smith and Jean Hewson: CLICK HERE
Jean taught me and some others a version of what was originally "Green Grow the Rushes-O"... highly non-sensical sometimes, but meh. I learned it orally, so I have no idea if what I have written is correct, nor do I have a way of getting the tune across... oh well. Here it is.

Come and I Will Sing You (The Ten Commandments)
Singer A: Come and I will sing you
B: What will you sing me?
A: I will sing you one-o
B: What will the one be?

Ten for the Ten Commandments
Nine for the nine bright shiners
Eight for the Gabriel angels
Seven for the seven stars under the sky
Six for the six bowl wager (?)
Five for the Flem boys under the bush (?)
Four for the gospel creatures
Three of them were drivers
Two of them were lily-white babes clothed (pron. clowth-ED) all in green-o
One the one lives all alone, forever more shall be so.