The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98417   Message #1952941
Posted By: HipflaskAndy
30-Jan-07 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: Sailing routes to Botany Bay
Subject: RE: Sailing routes to Botany Bay
E Barnacle, m'lad
Hope this link works.... it was what I meant to post here earlier to help Abby 'get' something she said she couldn't grasp.

It shows (roughly) the trades etc. The way I understand it, behind you for some parts of the 'trip', in your face for others...
in both directions, to and from UK to Port Jackson/Botany - hence need for some 'tacking'.
Mebbe it's me that's just not getting something?
I had read all the posts...
I certainly didn't mean to make any hackles rise.
Merely tried to 'add to' existing posts.
Apologies if any offence caused...- D