The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98279 Message #1953291
Posted By: Folkie
31-Jan-07 - 05:18 AM
Thread Name: UK Upton Festival May Day w/e is GO -
Subject: RE: UK Upton Festival May Day w/e is GO -
It looks a great line up for Upton this year. I agree that last year's DIY festival was fun but this was partly because we had good weather so could enjoy being outside on the river front. If it rains, however, we certainly need plenty of things going on under cover. I'm very glad to see so many quality performers in the line up because for too long Upton has had maybe one or two really good guests and the rest have been disappointing. Publicity needs to be sorted though - I can't find anything about Upton in either the national or regional folk press!