The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98388   Message #1953534
Posted By: *daylia*
31-Jan-07 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Stages of Human Male Development
Subject: RE: BS: Stages of Human Male Development
Live with it - unless you go for the surgery you are never going to be able to even get near experiencing that other life.

ANd even with surgery, I doubt very much one could really experience what life is really like on the other side of the fence. Medical science and the cosmetic industry can relieve a guy of his 'dangling participles', provide him with a couple strategic bumps, even drill out an extra opening. But even so, he will never experience the wonders of the monthly pity-pot, or the 9 months of bloating followed by several hours of intense agony, or have to worry that he might be an UDDER failure, or have 95% of the daily household responsibilities heaped on his aching little shoulders 24/7 for decades and decades....

And he will never know what it's like to go through life feeling and thinking and behaving, mostly subconsciously, as if he's a second-class citizen. As if he was born only to meet the endless needs and desires of others. In general, men are less likely to EVER perfect the art of putting themselves last and other people first, simply because they are socialized for the opposite. And socialization is as much a part of gender as biology.

There's a thriving Wiccan circle in my area, exclusively for women. They bar males from their circles and camps -- and that means ALL males, including boys over the age of 3. Why? Because, they tell me, males over 3 cannot help but move in and take right over. Males automatically work to control (ie rule!) whatever space they happen to find themselves in, and women, in spite of themselves, will automatically move over and to bow to male authority.

I have also been told recently, by a therapist who trains in shamanic circles, that men suck women's life-force energy -- not because they choose / want to, or because they are mean or evil, but simply because that's how energy just naturally flows between the sexes. All Life and all Power comes from the female, from the Goddess, they say. Males seed that life, of course -- that's their function - but the Power and the energy of life are Hers.

Without her power of physical manifestation, he remains nothing but a thought, a desire, an idea, a dream. He needs Her to make Himself Real ....

Don't know what to make of all that, just yet -- but it's intriguing.