The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98444   Message #1953887
Posted By: able
31-Jan-07 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Give em shit, Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Give em shit, Canada
I was in the military during the Cuban missile crisis and couldn't be more than 5 minutes from a telephone. All the time, I kept wondering what the hell had happened. We were in the position of facing nuclear war and the deaths of millions. Now we are in afghanistan fighting for the rights of women, my contention is that those who feel the need to impose their beliefs on others should join the military pick up their weapon and go fight for their beliefs. Just don't be too bitter if the other guy kills you for his beliefs. Too many people in this day and age are willing to fight to the last drop of someone elses blood, in other words put your money where your mouth is. If you talk the talk then start walking the walk. If I wanted to live in Canada and moved here took out citizenship and wanted to stay then my former country should revoke my citizenship. From my vantage point of over 200 years in North America, it seems to me that far too many so called citizens left their own country moved here and then try to embroil us in their former countries problems. If you feel so much for your old country then perhaps you should return and rectify the wrongs, after all, you do care enough to die for your country don't you. Just don't ask me or mine to die for your country. Take your hate back to your country of origin, people who think North America should spill it's blood to impose western ideals on other countries can't seem to get it through their heads that we will have to kill those people to impose our beliefs. In return, he has to fight back in any way that he can, the world isn't perfect and never will be, but if you do want to make it perfect then you better get your uniform on, pick up your weapon and go fight. If you aren't willing to do this then you are just another heroic horses ass who is willing to fight to the last drop of someone elses blood.