Hullo and a Happy - if belated - New Year to all my pals. what a time we've had in dear auld Glasgow toon - It's still going roon an' roon. Alcohol is a curse,so it is, an no mistake! But I'm sure Peggy enjoyed a drop o' the crattur herself, so she did.
However, to business, as the say down the pub, whatever happened to my question about the gates of Cork? I was supposed to be in Letterkenny, last week, where I'm told the locals know absolutely nothing about anything outside a 10 mile radius of that dear town - I don't believe a word of this myself as my informant was from Sligo and there's a terrible, vengeful animosity between these two fair towns. but a Dubliner backed this up so I would have been wasting my time asking about Cork City in that neck of the woods -if I can trust the Dubliner.