The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98588   Message #1954066
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
31-Jan-07 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Yahoo question
Subject: RE: BS: Yahoo question
Right with you Metchosin    :-)

But I got a Yahoo id years ago - forgot the password - then fought with Yahoo for 3 months trying to get help to get it restored - gave up, then tried to get a second one - all the attempts I tried were already taken, so I got gradually more frustrated/annoyed, the id I eventually acquired was rather rude.... :-)

Recently I 'moved over' everything to a new id 'fooles.troupe' - as NOW that they allow the use of the "." in a handle.

I never use the Yahoo mail - I needed an id to start 'Yahoo groups' after they bought it from someone else and fucked it up 'improved it'... most of the 'Yahoo additions' I refuse to even look at... their incompatible merging of their 'photos stuff' and their groups stuff caused me ages of nightmares for instance...

Ragdall's tips are useful, but HAVING a Yahoo id itself is relatively painless and (so far) free - well, money wise, anyway...

BTW, Yahoo bought 'Web Ring' and fucked it up 'improved it' so bad that the Yahoo programmers broke it so well that they couldn't get it working again - so Yahoo actually gave it away (for free)... :-) and lo - it was working within a couple of days...

I'm not making this up you know...