The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98587 Message #1954175
Posted By: Ref
31-Jan-07 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: Review: Worst Song by a professional musician
Subject: RE: Review: Worst Song by a proffessional musician
Jeebus, the snark is out on this thread. You've gotta differentiate between "worst song" and "song I've heard too often." Being a Unitarian, I'd nominate "Spirit Of Life" in both categories. I know that Dave Barry did a big putdown of Edmund Fitzgerald, but c'mon. First, he's a Republican, which means he approves of Wayne Newton, and second, he was criticizing it as a pop song, which it ain't. And WHAT is the problem with Cold Missouri Waters. Keelaghan wrote it after reading "Of Young Men And Fire." It's a great song in that context. How about no more "This song sucks" unless you can give reasons why?