The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98587   Message #1954229
Posted By: Greg B
01-Feb-07 - 01:00 AM
Thread Name: Review: Worst Song by a professional musician
Subject: RE: Review: Worst Song by a proffessional musician
How about 'Love Will Keep Us Together' by Neil Sedaka (credited
in the tag line by Captain and Teneille)?

Nearly anything by Barry Manilow?

I have to differ with 'Movin' Out' though. It captures some
really distinctive North Joisey-isms, especially if you've
every lived or worked in Bergen (Boigen) and Hudson Counties,
where you'll find Hackensack-ack-ack-ack. It addresses very well the
BS materialism which exists amongst terrible, crowded-together
aluminum-sided bi-level shoeboxes lining the Parkway. There,
guys really did take a second job tending bar in order to trade
in their Chevy for a Cadillac-ac-ac-ac. And if you recall just
what awful superficial pieces of junk Caddies were in the late
70's, the song really takes on new meaning.