The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98587 Message #1954515
Posted By: GUEST,Bill Kennedy
01-Feb-07 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Review: Worst Song by a professional musician
Subject: RE: Review: Worst Song by a proffessional musician
"And WHAT is the problem with Cold Missouri Waters. Keelaghan wrote it after reading "Of Young Men And Fire." It's a great song in that context." In what context and how does context matter? Paul ANka wrote "She's Having My Baby" after finding out someone was having his baby. Is it a great song in that context? Keelaghan read a good book and wrote a LOUSY song, horrible lyrics, tortured to accomodate a simplistic rhyme and then ruining a goos song, "Shenandoah" by association, though no real connection between either in terms of events or period, too stupid a song to discuss. Likewise 'Edmund Fitzgerald' badly written, ridiculous instrumentation, a stupid simple meolody.
My vote for another is 'Take her in Your Arms' by Andy M. Stewart - pure and utter dreck