The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98587   Message #1954590
Posted By: Scrump
01-Feb-07 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Review: Worst Song by a professional musician
Subject: RE: Review: Worst Song by a proffessional musician
The late great Kenny Everett had a radio series of the (100?)worst songs ever - and God were they awful - I seem to remember one by Jess Conrad (This Jumper? or somesuch garbage)and the one that came top -(or bottom really) was a song about necrophilia

I think the latter was "I Want My Baby Back" by Jimmy Cross (where he digs up his girlfriend's grave after she was killed in a car or motorcycle crash).

The Jess Conrad one was called "This Pullover". There was an album issued with the "World's Worst Records" voted by the listeners to the show, and Jess Conrad had two or three tracks on it, more than anyone else.

Actually I liked one or two of them, like the Trashmen's Surfin' Bird, and Transfusion by Nervous Norvus. Maybe I shouldn't admit it but what the heck.

See this site for details of the records played on the shows.