The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98587 Message #1954732
Posted By: GUEST,Bill Kennedy
01-Feb-07 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: Review: Worst Song by a professional musician
Subject: RE: Review: Worst Song by a proffessional musician
Little Boxes is by Malvina Reynolds, not Pete Seeger
W-O if the world NEEDED a 'ballad' (sic) about fire jumpers, any number of people might write a better one, BUT your's is like the republican/Bush argument to the democrats to come up with a better solution to Iraq. It ignores or attempts to divert attention from the problems they created. Someone's ability or lack thereof to write a better song would have nothing to say about the quality of the song itself in question by Mr. Keelaghan, which stinks, in my humble opinion.