The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98546   Message #1954746
Posted By: saulgoldie
01-Feb-07 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Who's excited about vista
Subject: RE: BS: Whos excited about vista
I work in an academic environment, and I see firsthand the learning curve issues, not to mention the technophobe syndrome. The teachers I am in contact with FIRST have to master their content area, and now, given the new reality, they have to also master the whole world of computers. Under the circumstances, I think they would be better off with something that just plain works without your having to have a separate degree in HOW it works to get work done. In other words, I think teachers, and most people, for that matter would be better off with MACs.

As mentioned earlier in the thread, this is just another opportunity to further enrich Bill Gates, and along the way make it harder to pirate his products. This, BTW, will also make for many more headaches for regular users who will be ensnared in his web of new "features" that allow him to do this. It is time for some serious anti-trust action. This is as important to most of us as water and electricity, and should be regulated accordingly for the good of the vast majority of the citizenry.
