The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19006   Message #195525
Posted By: annamill
15-Mar-00 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Education is more than...
Subject: RE: BS: Education is more than...
It's so sad. I was on the van yesterday taking me back to Manhatten and a man behind me was complaining about the class and teacher his daughter had in 8th grade. He said it wasn't education, it was regurgitation. He said she was given booklets on biology and the info was on the test. As long as you memorized the book, and answered the questions in the book as they were presented, you did well. This is rather or not the info was correct. His daughter had gotten one wrong. The question was, why are green leaves green? His daughter answered "Chlorophyl (or whatever it is that makes leaves green)"(?sp). She was marked as wrong. The answer in the book was "light reflection" ???? That question should have been why do we SEE green leaves as green! The book, however, said "light reflection" therefore she got it wrong.

See what I mean?

Love, annap