The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93390   Message #1955303
Posted By: eddie1
02-Feb-07 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: Real Ale v Lager
Subject: RE: Real Ale v Lager
A couple of weeks ago, there was chaos here (Reading UK) due to a chemical leak at a large Scottish Courage brewery resulting in seven employees being admitted to hospital and the neighbouring motorway being closed for several hours. The chemical in question was ammonia which goes a long way to explain why their lager tastes like piss.

Having read above about other additives going into beer, would it not be possible for breweries to produce a decent, unadulterated brew. Pubs could then provide on the bar, dishes containing maize, rice, sugar, betaglucanase, propylene glycol alginate and rat droppings together with jugs of urine which drinkers could then add to their personal preference.
This way, we would have a choice of taste instead of having to accept what the large breweries foist on us.
