The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98444   Message #1955886
Posted By: able
02-Feb-07 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Give em shit, Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Give em shit, Canada
Left the thread for a while to see what would transpire. Returned to find that positions haven't changed radically, some are still changeing their opinions with each post. Others haven't changed their positions and everyone becomes deathly silent when challenged to make stand and fight. Anyone can be a heroic horses ass, which means there is no way they are going to personally get into the fighting,it's one thing to be a cheerleaderand another to being killed just for being in another persons country. I have deep respect for the men who are willing to give their lives for what they believe in, and no respect whatsoever for people who are willing to allow young men to die just so they can see their agenda carried out. You know you won't be called upon to fight if you are old, disabled or female. None of you seem to remember when the FLQ was planting bombs all over Montreal. Bombs don't discriminate, they kill everyone including women,the young men die first, if they become too able to thwart the enemy at every turn then the enemy will change his tactics. Can't you people get it through your heads that the people you want to change are willing to die for their beliefs? It is after all their country and they will not allow you to impose your beliefs without exhausting every means at their disposal. The last resort by most terrorists is indiscriminate bombings, and that puts all of us in the front line. Yes, Canada did screw up (I hope) on Arar, the US appears to have done the same. None of which changes the scenery onstage. We are still in the process of becoming statistics in a struggle of wills that will not be resolved until after far too much innocent blood has been shed. You can bandy words about until the cows come home but the people who win will be the ones who write the history books, and in a situation where the opponent believes if he kills you he goes to heaven and if you kill him he goes to heaven, with an incentive of 72 virgins thrown in to sweeten the pot. I come from a time when war was normal and peace was abnormal. It doesn't matter what your political beliefs are when the killing starts, what matters is if you are still around to see the end of the conflict. The best way to avoid trouble is to assess the situation and decide if you are willing to die fighting for your beliefs. If you aren't, then shut up, this world already has enough heroic horses asses willing to allow other people to die for some belief that was hatched on the internet. Over 90% of people are not particularly intelligent, yet they want to galvanize public opinion to their point of view. My patience wears thin with people like that, because they don't seem to have a firm grip on reality. The internet is not reality when you get run over by a car is reality. For God's sake, learn to know the difference, it might save your life. In the meantime try to avoid large gatherings, the enemy you shrug off as of no consequence might have already begun his campaign to indiscriminately kill us off with bombs in mail boxes garbage cans and what have you.