The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87487   Message #1955989
Posted By: Cruiser
02-Feb-07 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: Rose, the Record Lady
Subject: RE: Rose, the Record Lady
Rose: Thank you for posting what happened to your site.

Your site was an innovation and many of us have fond memories of it. It provided a place to hear complete songs as confirmation of the song before purchasing it. I spent many hundreds of dollars for CDs after first listening to songs on your site before often purchasing a CD for just one song I liked out of 12-20 on the CD. The record industry benefits in the end.

Rhapsody and iTunes (both of which I frequently use) make it easy now to just purchase one song for 99 cents each, BUT they do not have the old "out-of-print" songs you provided.

Too bad you cannot work out royalty issues and provide your song database for a fee for downloading individual clips.
