The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98444   Message #1956334
Posted By: able
03-Feb-07 - 04:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Give em shit, Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Give em shit, Canada
I don't have an in depth knowledge of the Arar thing or the peripheral issues because it didn't light a fire for me. My only real concern is for the young men in the field who are going to get it in the neck because people who know nothing about war can't seem to understand that it is mostly young men dying in agony. I suppose my time in the military taught me that nobody gives a shit about this until it is their turn to start paying the price. Can't help myself, I always identify with the grunt. The way I see it, both countries appear to have buggered up for the best of reasons, Canada because we are not particularly adept at international intrigue and the US because of the twin towers. Canada has been far too lax with internal security and I just hope it doesn't come up and bite us on the ass. That said, the Commonwealth and the US haven't been at war since 1814. Dickey, if it comes to a knock down dragem out fight we'll all be on the same side as usual because of our common interests. My family is owed compensation for claims on Wilmington Delaware dating back to 1776. If you will entertain the thought that all of this isn't worth arguing about, I will forget about my personal fortune due because by now it is likely worth less than a buck. Got your e-mail peace, and read up on the Russell thing, didn't even know it existed. My grandmother had twin sisters who both ended up married to the same guy when one of them died. Barnardo's people were still trying to figure that one out over half a century later. They thought their records were wrong. As usual I have digressed, lack the computer skills to wander at will, I am really not a senile old fart, just sound like it sometimes.