The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19290   Message #195947
Posted By: Hyperabid
16-Mar-00 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: Insulted on national radio!
Subject: Insulted on national radio!
This morning getting ready for work I was listening to Scott Mills at BBC Radio 1 - The UKs leading national station.

It appears that Scott is of the opinion that people who use internet chat rooms and bulletin boards are "sad freaks". This morning he was bragging because someone had set up a website with a link to EMail him and he had only received 2 Emails.

Well as far as I can work out there a 100s if not 1000s of people who are in the business of making music who use this website from amateur to professional.

Personally I'm not sure EMailing this guy will do anything other than add to his personal publicity - Something he would appear not to deserve as he has fallen into the trap of stereotyping people.

None-the-less for those who are interest and have the correct client set up on their PC I append the appropriate link which also identifies his EMail address at the BBC for those who cannot EMail automatically.

Click here to Email