The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24157   Message #1960401
Posted By: GUEST,Marianne "Jolly" Robinson
07-Feb-07 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Cotton Mill Girls
Subject: RE: Words to Cotton Mill Girls
This is terrific "folk process," seeing all these versions on the web. Who would have thought, back in the 1940s when I began singing? Here's what I have collected and sung.

I worked in the cotton mill all of my life
I ain't got nothing but a Barlow knife

It's hard times, cotton mill girls, hard times everywhere.

In 1915 we heard it said,
"Move to cotton country, you can get ahead

Card room kids and spinning room babies
Can't keep up with the weave shop ladies

Come down the stairs to get a drink of water
Along comes the boss, says I'll dock you a quarter

You can dock me a quarter, you can dock me a dime
I'll go to the office and I'll get my time

They raised our wages up half a cent more
But they went up a dime at the company store

Working on the cotton mill ain't no harm
I'd a heap rather be down on the farm

See that train goin' round the curve
She's loaded down with cotton mill girls

When I die, don't bury me at all
Hang me up on the cutting room wall
Pickle my bones in alcohol
It's a hard time everywhere