The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19294   Message #196063
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
16-Mar-00 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: Newbies vs Old-timers
Subject: RE: Newbies vs Old-timers
Here is a post I put up months ago (with the new italics I learned here) the meantime...I find it very helpful when some of the "Old Timers" remember a previous thread and put a link to it in the current thread. Somehow it seems that all our computerization just can't match a person's memory...and of course a Mudcatter's generous willingness to share. I stumbled onto this thread from a link in another thread.

Just last night I had some info to share in the classical music/folk thread, and because the info I wanted to highlight wasn't in the title of the original thread, only my memory and a little searching could dig it out. When we get the SuperSearch back we can search the bodies of messages. But as I stated, there really is no substitute for a Mudcatter's memory and willingness to share.

I also feel I can contribute by doing some of this info-finding and thus giving the "pros" more time for their wonderful insights and comments.
