The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98741   Message #1960689
Posted By: Linda Goodman Zebooker
07-Feb-07 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: Opinions please-instrument closest to human voice?
Subject: RE: Opinions please-instrument closest to human voice?
In choral singing, such as Handel's Messiah, we often deliberately imitate instruments, even while singing words. Sometimes the choral director specifically asks for this, other times it's up to our own interpretation. Since I'm a soprano, the instrument is very often a trumpet highlight. There's a place in Messiah where the majesty of a trombone sound is needed from the singers, though no trombones are actually in the orchestration. Other times, when we are low in our range we have to think the bright nasal sound of "saxophone" in order to cut through and be audible. Sometimes you consciously sing runs as if you are bowing, other times as if on a fingered and blown instrument. How you attack the notes, how you hold your face and body, depend on what instrument you are at the moment.

If you aren't thinking about being a character, such as an angel dropped from the ceiling by a wire (sopranos get all the good parts!), then you are often thinking what instrument you are. It makes it much more fun for everybody.
