The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98755   Message #1961270
Posted By: bubblyrat
08-Feb-07 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Friendly fire coverup
Subject: RE: BS: Friendly fire coverup
I really fail to understand why armoured vehicles cannot routinely be fitted with IFF (Identification Friend or Foe ) transponders.These are used extensively by military aircraft : the codes are changed daily to avoid security being compromised by the enemy.Surely,if the two A 10 pilots had had a correct IFF response,even if they continued to have any lingering doubts,they would have told ground control about this,& asked them to double check about "friendlies" in the area ?? Having said that, the version of the report that I read said that both pilots were low on fuel,and "itching to get a kill " before they had to return to base . And also that US pilots are routinely given Benzedrine or other drugs to help combat fatigue . In which case, NOTHING could have saved ANYONE !! It's American policy & procedures that are to blame, not the pilots. Give excitable young men stimulants,put them in charge of a formidable fighting machine, and allow,if not actually encourage a reckless,macho ,top-gun culture of "itching for a kill " & Blue-on Blue will ALWAYS be a very high risk.