If there is any doubt,of which i am sure there is not,as to the great guitar player Denny Wright,just listen to him playing that weepy heartfelt guitar,around Lonnie singing Nobodys Child,it brings a tear to your eye,and is a timeless peice of music,he suited Lonnies voice just to perfection,leaving me to beleive Lonnies imput as to what he wanted in his band was much more than Lonnie led you to believe,his stint with Les Bennett,was when he became the" allroun enertaina"not for us purist,but he certainly came back in the last twenty years of his life, again with great players,many guesting just to play with there hero,i saw him many times,and his shows were fantastic,and i must say his son Peter is a terrific performer and i am sure will keep the Donegan magic alive for many years to come.............Keith Sellers