The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98700   Message #1961948
Posted By: GUEST,ozchick
09-Feb-07 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: 'Fiddle' vs 'Violin'????
Subject: RE: 'Fiddle' vs 'Violin'????
I've been looking up classical technique v fiddle technique on the net over the last few days and have found quite a few very interesting and informative sites. The thing that I have found most interesting is that when I'm comparing 'my' technique with the ones described on these sites, it really seems that my positioning and hold of the violin and the bow are leaning towards classical rather than fiddle. Straight left wrist, violin held at 45 degree angle to body, my bow hold is slightly high, but not compared to some others i've seen on youtube etc..... and I would be devastated if someone spilt a beer on my violin, so there you go!!

My teacher at the moment is a jazz violinist (classically trained) and also plays traditional celtic music - and he never seems to have too much to say about my technique. When I've asked him he says it looks fine to him, and so long as it feels comfortable it's ok.

I think the inital comment that upset me was made by somebody who was just trying to 'have a go' at me for the sake of it. As I mentioned, she has never been supportive of my decision to take up playing the violin, and especially when i told her that i was concentrating on traditional music. I think it's the classic snob factor (sorry!!) that goes with classical training of any sort - remember I'm classically trained in guitar myself ;) (and classical ballet as a child, but lets not go there...!!)

There are tunes I can play that she would have no hope of keeping up with, as I know there are things she can do that I have no hope of doing as well. That's what 'Style' is all about, right?