The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79458   Message #1961951
Posted By: GUEST,Keith Sellers
09-Feb-07 - 01:26 AM
Thread Name: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists.....
I was the original Hank of Hanks guitar shop back in 1989/91 can you imagine how it felt when Lonnie came in with his 00028 to have it set up, and the electrics sorted,that night i went down to the repair room,picked up his guitar and played rock island line looking in the mirror,magic................and it was Hanks that supplied the 00028 that Roger Rettig used when he played Lonnie in the rehersal for the "this is your life "show,we were a crafty,as we put in big letters on the guitar strap HANKS...great days.....Keith Sellers.................