The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98700   Message #1961953
Posted By: Wordsmith
09-Feb-07 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: 'Fiddle' vs 'Violin'????
Subject: RE: 'Fiddle' vs 'Violin'????
As long as you enjoy it, that's all that counts. I once saw Itzhak Perlman playing "The Orange Blossom Special" on his lovely violin - had to be a Strad. I've been a fan of both violinists and fiddlers for much of my life. I know there's a difference, but it makes no difference to me. Beautiful music is beautiful music...regardless of what it's played on. (Good lord, I sound like Forrest Gump.)

I've heard Yehudi play with Ravi Shankar...I can see why he'd have trouble playing with Stephane who had a style and rhythm all his own. Jascha Heifetz. Eugene Fodor. Fritz Kreissler. Mark O'Connor. Ashley MacIsaac. Allyson Krause. But the one who thrills me the most is Natalie MacMaster, who not only fiddles up a storm, but also dances while she does it, and I'm not talking stationary - across the stage and back again.

I say, play the way you want to play, as long as you feel the music, people will, too. ;D

Actually I love them all.