The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98700   Message #1962168
Posted By: GUEST,meself
09-Feb-07 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: 'Fiddle' vs 'Violin'????
Subject: RE: 'Fiddle' vs 'Violin'????
"Natalie MacMaster, who not only fiddles up a storm, but also dances while she does it" -

There are a number of the prominent Cape Breton fiddlers who are capable of this feat - notably, Ashley MacIsaac himself - but choose not to, as a rule ("A gentleman is someone who can ... but doesn't"). It is a practice regarded with some skepticism in Cape Breton, for various reason that I won't get into, but I think you would find that even Natalie seldom does the fiddling & dancing bit when she's "downhome". (Tremendous fiddler and tremendous show, though!).