The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88685 Message #1963666
Posted By: GUEST,itsrena
10-Feb-07 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
Robin, hello
Thank-you so much for the 3rd verse lyrics. . . I have since finished recording my album of campfire songs but when and if i update I can include this lost verse. When I was at camp nawakwa I used the name Sam and my sister was Stan. we always went together but never were in the same unit at the same time she is a year younger than I. your name is familiar. .. I was at camp in the mid to late 60's and never was a councler or CIT but always longed to be. Stan my sister was a councler in I think 1972 (why does that sound like yesterday??) anyway, Thank-you again and hope you find this reply, tardy, but heart felt. check me out on an independant's dream come true. . . 'Firefly then and now' by Rena Radich. . . .tell me what you think!? you can sample the music right there. hope this is cool with mudcats?!