The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98864   Message #1963909
Posted By: Dave Wynn
11-Feb-07 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thats it.! I am not leaving Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Thats it.! I am not leaving Mudcat
OK OK...I get the picture. Look, just think for minute what you are potentially losing here. Before you all go helter skelter for the 150th post and the demise of that good old boy Spot the Dog. Just take a step back and think of the costs to Mudcat.

I am well trained, never (well hardly ever) soil the carpet and have a famous UK childrens TV show where I am the main character. Think of all those children, waiting in the cold by their TV sets just hoping to catch a glimpse of good ole Spot and there he is, gone. You couldn't live with yourselves could you.

There would be questions in the House, government enquiries, charges of bribery for the winner of the champagne (type) wine.

Just don't do that 150th post, stay your hand and let that mans best friend Spot the Dog not leave the 'Cat.

Spot the Dog

p.s. Alba and Alec I was hoping to hold your names in reserve just in case the posts got above 100.