The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98913   Message #1964625
Posted By: jimlad9
12-Feb-07 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: martin said to his man couplets:who's the fool now
Subject: RE: who's the fool now
A slight diversion from the main thread I know but Bainbo reminded me of a program about a million years ago on Radio Eirrann about children talking . A 7 year old girl said that her and her daddy were talking about 'Arseholes'. Nuns all over Ireland fainted.the childs mother had a heart attack 40,000 people called into complain in the 15 seconds before the compere asked the little princess to explain.

"well" she said " me daddy said that if we walked on our heels we would save OUR SOLES"