The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79458 Message #1964670
Posted By: Roger the Skiffler
12-Feb-07 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists.....
2 points from recent postings (one actually on message, one thread creep!) 1)Like RR I was disappointed with "Last Tour" CD, I would have thought (But what do I know?)modern technology could have tweaked it so LD didn't sound as if he was in a cupboard half the time. 2) Re: Adam Faith film "Don't Let Go". I only saw it once, when it first came out. As a confirmed Sellars fan I was disappointed- he was unconvincing as an evil gangster. As for Adam... he had a successful acting career later as Budgie, Alfie etc but this wasn't his finest hour. I still remember one scene where he is punished by Sellars' character who shuts his hand in a desk or cupboard door and sits on the lid and bounces up and down. Adam's expression, supposedly of agony, caused gales of laughter in the cinema- hs could have been swatted with a rolled up newspaper fo all the pain he emoted! RtS