The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19294   Message #196470
Posted By: alison
16-Mar-00 - 09:19 PM
Thread Name: Newbies vs Old-timers
Subject: RE: Newbies vs Old-timers

I did welcome you, (and followed up your thread and replied again)and I gave you links to old threads where there is a wealth of information, and to tunes sites. at no point did I say...... "we've done this before- don't ask stupid questions"... Mudcat isn't like that... other sites may be....

but when there is a wealth of information already there it is wise to use it, therefore helpful people will point it out.... I hope many new points do come up in your thread, (I want to learn new tunes as much as the next person).... you will get more answers to your thread but it takes time - it has only been online for just over an hour..... sometimes it takes a while....

you asked a question on music.. you got answers on music, admittedly without the BS,... but if you chase up any of the links you'll find plenty of it. if people have already written out heaps on the subject they are unlikely to write it out again

sorry if we didn't lay out the red carpet well enough for you....

again I say "welcome to Mudcat" same as I did in the other thread.

