The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25650   Message #1964727
Posted By: GUEST,Mark Dowding at work
12-Feb-07 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: Anyone here had to recite?
Subject: RE: Anyone here had to recite - Part 2
Following on from "Daffodils" in the previous thread, Peter Maloney - a Liverpool teacher who did talks about language came up with this parody which my dad does on occasions after first reciting the original:

I wandered dozy with my cart
Up Brownlow hill to take me welt
When of a sudden I seed a tart
That almost made my eyeballs melt

Hey dere girl be my bird
My throat went dry like at the word
What other Judy could I take in through the ale house door each night
What other guy would not go all green with envy at the sight

Jet white of hair with orange gob
Cheeks a rosy purple blob
No more sexy she could look
Than pictures in a drawing book

And as she walked her hips were rockin'
My heart was pounding something shockin'
I looked and looked - oh what a twit
It surely learned me - didn' it
That whilst this Judy stole my heart
Some other swine had robbed my cart!

(Best recited in a scouse accent)

At junior school, the teacher used to put poems on the board for us to copy into our books - some of them stuck - or bits of them which makes me go looking for them 35 years later!
