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Thread #98401   Message #1965014
Posted By: GUEST,Truther
12-Feb-07 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'An Inconvenient Truth'-banned
Subject: RE: BS: 'An Inconvenient Truth'-banned
The "environmental movement" is a scam. There is pollution, but giving all power to the likes of Gorbachev is NOT the solution. Stalin, Andropov, Gorbachev. Those weren't nice guys. A former leader of the Soviet Union is now holed up in the Presidio in San Francisco, fer chrissake, and he's applying the old Soviet control tactics to the environmental movement. He's just ratcheting up the level of control, increasing the number of people to be affected.

This is TRUE make people think the problem is worse than it really is so they'll be willing to turn over other peoples' property in the name of 'protecting the environment.' If you don't own property you're in favor of it, if you own just a little you're in favor because they're talking about 'wilderness area,' and so on. It's always someone else's property. But read the article at the link above...Behind the Green Curtain. It gets interesting about 1/3 of the way down.

Big 'biodiversity' areas have been set up around the world. I live in one. The central Texas biosphere. The land I own is mine, yet the U.N. has claim over it through some treaty. So where's my government? Why did the U.S. govt sell me out? And how did so many Americans get duped into prizing the rights of snakes over the rights of people? The U.N. says it owns my land, and the new NAFTA superhighways are going to claim 10 miles on both sides of the roadbeds, so what will the effect be? To drive people off the land and into compact cities. Where our population can be controlled with managed kill-offs.

The Nazis won WW2, people. The Queen of England is a German Nazi. The Bushes are American Nazis. The eugenics program is going forward just like Hitler said it would. It's taking a roundabout course, but it's getting there. First, you have to put people into concentration camps (cities). How do you get them there? You make land off limits for "environmental reasons," and you build unnecessary highways and grant 20-mile wide easements so people have to give up their homes. You road-tax the hell out of people in the U.K. so they can't commute anymore and have to move into the cities, closer to their jobs (and if it works, do it in the U.S.). Just get those people concentrated in the cities so the bioweapons can do their stuff.

Private property ownership is the basis of a free society. Without the right to own property, you live in a dictatorial society. The environmental movement has been hijacked by virulent anti-private property fanatics. I just hope Gorby personally comes to boot me off my land.