The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79458   Message #1965235
Posted By: GUEST,Roger Rettig
12-Feb-07 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists.....
Well, as I said, Adam himself was pretty blunt about his efforts in that film. It was a step-up from the appalling 'Beat Girl' (his first) but that's not saying much. I try to make allowances for the fact that film-makers were doing their damnedest to 'shoe-horn' pop singers into movies at that time. He did say at Freddie's show that day - 'I haven't done too badly - I can't sing and I can't act, but I'm still managing to get by!'. I'm much more sympathetic when 'starts' are able to see themselves in perspective.

I don't agree about Sellers himself - I thought him quite creepy in the film and, therefore, effective.

As for 'The Last Tour', I don't think I can bring myself to listen again for while. I like your 'cupboard' analogy!