The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98947   Message #1966136
Posted By: open mike
13-Feb-07 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs About Feet
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Songs About Feet
Greg Brown has a song called "Two Little Feet", he
also has one with two boys "walking down main street in their
P.F. Flyers, carrying 2 5 pound bass, making grown men liars"
Ralph McTell has one called Sand in your Shoes, and
Tim O'Brien has one about some shoes given to him
by Kelly Joe Phelps.

Kate Wolf sang about walking down a muddy road with
the mud between your toes.

I heard an interesting radio show once with songs
about feet and shoes....for the entire show! This
was near Eugene Oregon.