The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98955   Message #1967563
Posted By: Becca72
14-Feb-07 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
Bee....thank you SO much for that visual. Poor kitty! But I needed a laugh like that. :-)

We're mid-storm here now. I left this morning with plenty of time to make my doctor's appointment at 9:30 only to get there and find the place locked up tight. And we'd only had a couple inches at that point! This is MAINE, people! I was able to pick up extra hours at the part time job because of all the absenteeism today, though. Should be an interesting drive home. My little Passat does quite well in the snow, actually.

I also lived in Vermont for a couple of years. I moved there New Year's Eve 1999. We lived just over the notch from Smuggler's Notch ski resort. I walked out one January morning to go to work and it was 42 below with the wind chill. Had me wondering why I'd left home and I'm used to bad winters!