The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98955   Message #1967724
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-Feb-07 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
I'm glad to hear everyone is staying warm, seeing and hopefully enjoying the splendor, and checking in here.

I cannot believe how sleepy I am from the short hour I spent out there in it! Thank God for these amazing leg muscles, though, that I used as a snowplow. I'm sure glad I didn't wait till it got deeper, but it's time to get out there again with all the drifting and conmtinuing snow of the afternoon. I did take a moment to call the driveway plowing angel's dispatcher, to make sure he knows he's welcome in our drive at any hour for as many passes as he thinks are called for.

The dispatcher is a good friend, and we had a good laugh over what it takes to be considered past "transplant" status when you're not "from here." We reminisced about the time Hardi and I got stranded for four hours on the death mountain? How it was some other idiot's fault not ours? How we'd spent the time in a line waiting for the road to open either in front of us or in back of us (with several hundred other pissed-off people). Yes, he agreed, having had hot Thai food on board sounded pretty well-prepared. "As long as you have food and water on board, and a blanket in the back, you can stick it out for quite awhile," he observed.

"Oh, no," I said; "We had us a real luxury see-dan!"

"What's that?" he asked.

I replied, "Pee bucket onboard for the lady."

Oh my, I thought I'd killed the man with that one! But I do drive a boondocker, after all.
