The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004   Message #1967732
Posted By: Bill D
14-Feb-07 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
Yes, Amos....there is much new evidence and thinking about the very fundamental basis of 'space' in general. Even though I realize that the physical/metaphysical interface may someday show us things about reality that we can barely comprehend right now, I still suggest that we deal 99++++% in "relationships between physical entities" and require 'measurements' in replicable units. Even that new 1 terabyte drive needs to be larger to accomadate the data, since there is at the moment an absolute limit on how much data can BE stored on a disk...based partially on particle size of the is on a scale that we are just discovering, but still a 'physical' scale for now.

That's life, huh, Ebbie? ;^)....Does 'that person' who manages to rationalize being 35 minutes later than agreed on as 'only' 20 minutes also thereby manage to absolve herself of being late at all by being pleased at even LEAVING by 3:30?

What are guys..(usually guys) like John & I to do IF we seriously expect to actually back out of the driveway at a certain time? Lie about our REAL desires and set a time 30 min earlier? There is only a certain amount of nagging that will be tolerated...*grin*
Which reminds me of those who set clocks(and alarms) ahead to give themselves a buffer...but KNOW that they did, and mentally subtract those minutes, so they are just as late as usual?

Is there REALLY a desire in some to 'assert' something by refusing to be bound or constricted by 'clock time'? (Even when it means something like being late to a play or concert?)