The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004   Message #1967824
Posted By: Bill D
14-Feb-07 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
well, BeeDub...I don't do nearly as many shows as you, but yes, I have seen the attempt to beat the 'early rules'. Fortunately, most of the places I go now are wise to this and say "set up at 4...or whenever we get done marking up spaces" still leads to 'early line-up' to get best unloading spots, but is kept generally in hand. The other major show I do, I run myself, and is small enough that I can crack the whip when necessary....Obviously, this is a bit different from ignoring time, and falls into ignoring rules! That 'can' be dealt with....while getting folks to be on time when they have no vested interest cannot easily be so enforced.

I once saw a quote from some famous man saying..."I have always made punctuality a virtue....I am a very lonely man."