The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004   Message #1968696
Posted By: ranger1
15-Feb-07 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
Bill, I am partnered with a SO who has no concept what-so-ever of time nd he drives me bonkers. His "I'm just going to run in and right back out" at the grocery store averages 30 minutes. When we are going somewhere, we are habitually an hour late (I have told all his relatives that if they wnt us there on time, to tell him to be there an hour earlier than they actually want us there. So far, they still haven't caught on). When he is antsy to get out the door to go somewhere and accuses me of dragging my feet, I can be ready to go in five minutes. He suddenly remembers 20 things that need doing that he could have done while waiting for me, rather than pacing around and mumbling under his breath. I end up sitting in the truck for 15-20 minutes waiting for him. Oh, yeah, I know what you mean!