The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18703   Message #196877
Posted By: MMario
17-Mar-00 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook
Subject: RE: Part V - Additions to Mudcat Songbook

When all the world was water, and nowhere was dry land
God made us a promise, and sealed it by His hand.
An arc of light across the sky, in multi-coloured hue
A covenant, forever, He made to me and you

Remember the Rainbow promise, the skies aren't always grey
But it's up to us to cherish, the world we have today

When the foosteps in the sand are marchin' single file
When problems hover 'round us, and nothin' seems worthwhile
When it seems if all our dreams are nightmares of our mind
Reach out and take the comfort, left for us to find


There'll always be another dawn, the rain will always end
And if we only will believe, we'll always have a friend
Remember we are not alone, no matter how it seems
But we must choose the way to go, not drift along life's stream
