The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004 Message #1969157
Posted By: Ebbie
15-Feb-07 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
"Does 'that person' who manages to rationalize being 35 minutes later than agreed on as 'only' 20 minutes also thereby manage to absolve herself of being late at all by being pleased at even LEAVING by 3:30?" Bill D
Sadly, Bill, that question does not even occur to them. *G*
Speaking of 'subjective' time, I have noticed that I am far more unforgiving on some occasions. When someone wants to see an apartment that has come up for rent and we agree to meet at the place at 3:30, say, if that person is not there by 3:37 I'm out of there.
My thinking is that as soon as a person is two minutes late, you don't know if they are coming at all. (That is NOT true of people who have established a tradition. *G*)