The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #1969283
Posted By: Ron Davies
15-Feb-07 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops

HRC (Her Royal Clintonness?). Read what I said earlier on her. I do not support her.

Kerry--he observes; he does not hang the Iranian regime for the crime. Nor does Peter Pace -- (if you don't know who he is, please find out before posting again). Are Bush regime spokesmen beating the drum against Iran? Is Kerry? If you can't tell the difference, you need to do more reading.

5 years more in Iraq? Thanks for answering directly. But you're dreaming--and your dream is a nightmare for the rest of us.

If there is not dramatic improvement in Iraq within a year, the US will be gone from Iraq, aside from "advisors". If my Iraq scenario, discussed earlier, occurs, the US public will rebel against the Iraq war. Bush will be powerless to stop the withdrawal.

JFK and the missile crisis: again you need to do some more reading.

JFK engaged in duplicitous, foolhardy brinksmanship by not being willing to reveal the actual way the crisis was defused. Why? After the Bay of Pigs. he and RFK felt they could not afford politically to be seem to compromise with Communists. So they did not want to let Khrushchev reveal that the Cuban missiles were withdrawn in exchange for Jupiters in Turkey. By refusing to let Khrushchev do this--and thereby save face-- they risked his rejecting the deal--solely for their own political futures.

So they risked the safety of the world--for their careers.

Am I glad he stuck to his guns? No.