The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99004   Message #1969343
Posted By: Bill D
15-Feb-07 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time...and Space
Subject: RE: BS: Time...and Space
As usual, John makes some good of the reasons I had the thought to include the TERAbyte drive in my post, is that I had managed in a couple of years to begin to strain a 147 GIGAbyte drive with songs, videos, craft pictures, wildlife pictures, 5 years of Getaway pictures,.....and of course, all the programs I collect (with their downloaded .zips & .exes)

So...having found an Iomega external 250 Gig drive AND gotten a fast CD/DVD burner, I resolved to put a bunch of that crap fine data into long-term storage! seems that not only does it take quite awhile to move huge amounts of data, in order to burn CDs & DVDs, one needs some unfettered cache room just to get started!
So, here I am, having to MOVE lots of data over to the Iomega in order to have room on the C: drive to begin burning....fine...good plan. In a couple of hours, I identified and moved 5-6 Gigs.....progress!

Then, I noted on another thread up ^ there that John recommended the PC 'cleanup' routine...which I had never tried. Ah, HA! Another way to recover space! Off we go! ummm...ok....choose a few parameters, like 'temp files'...great. GO!.....I get a little window that says "compressing old files"...looks good. Twenty minutes later, I see 1 (one) little blue dot indicating progress. hmmmmm....1½ hrs. later, I see 5 little dots, out of maybe 30-40 are now blue. I see that this is NOT gonna be quick. Hit 'cancel'.....tomorrow, I will look at that again and see if I accidently told it to prime & paint each old file before 'compressing it.

So, indeed...Time & Space are quite's gonna take me LOTS of time to recover all my space.

Moral? Do this stuff regularly! And start early! And take the TIME to learn how SPACE is handled on your computer, or you will be sitting like me, wondering how you managed to push it to the limits.

It feels like moving snow in upper New York state right's hard to find anyplace not already piled high with snow to move it to!