The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19309   Message #196942
Posted By: Helen
17-Mar-00 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
Sorcha, sad & then happy story! I am getting sharping levers on the F & C strings to start with but it will be cheaper to buy the levers and put them on myself at a later date - it would have cost another $400 for the harpmaker to do it now and I can't afford that. The hard part about putting on the levers is working out the position, I think, so that the half tone is just right. I'm prepared to give it a go. The levers (full set) I have on the 36 string are adjustable slightly so as long as they are almost in the right place you can move the lever part up or down by loosening a little screw.

good one, MMario.

And, nice to see all the harpies ;-) showing up here for the birth celebration. Just wait for the christening/naming celebration - I'll actually have it with me then, so it will be an even happier day.
